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Do you have a case of Websitis Cringis?



Websitis Cringis - There is a Cure

Do you have a case of Websitis Cringis?

Do you feel yourself cringe when a potential customer asks for your company’s web address/URL? If the answer is yes, then you have a case of “Websitis Cringis” The good news is there is a cure for this terrible “disease”. Read on and learn how to take care of your website's health. 💉

What does having a “good” website mean these days? In this fast-paced digital age, your website must keep pace with not only new technology but also how prospective clients use websites today. Your business has changed through the years and your website should keep pace.

Website Look + Feel

We’ve worked with several clients recently who understand the need to showcase recent projects on their website with beautiful photography 📷. Our goal is to help tell the story of the project and our clients.

While having strong images on your site is important to demonstrate your work to prospective clients, an added bonus is that Google is a fan too. To rank higher in a Google search, changing up your website with fresh content (recently published, updated, etc.) and images demonstrates to Google that your content is likely to be accurate.

In early 2023 Greg West Photography started this BLOG that combined with updating images monthly were finally seeing it pay off. This year we have seen an uptick in in-bound traffic. So far, its helped us bring on, three new clients. While that may not seem like a lot it’s enough to get us excited to continue putting effort into our website and watch it pay off even more.

Its time for a Redesign

Below are some tips from “Forbes Advisor” online to help you determine if now is the time to redesign your site:

  • Outdated design: If your website looks like GeoCities and uses the Comic Sans font, it may be time for a redesign. A dated website can give the impression that your business is not keeping up with current trends, which can affect user trust.
  • Poor user experience: User experience is a fundamental aspect of any website. If users struggle to navigate your site, find information, or complete simple tasks, its a clear sign your website needs a revamp.
  • Low conversion rates: Your website should effectively convert visitors into customers. If you notice a steady decline in conversions, it could mean that your website no longer meets your audiences expectations or needs.
  • Not mobile-friendly 📱 : In an era where mobile browsing often surpasses desktop, your website needs to be mobile-friendly. If its not, you risk losing a substantial number of potential customers.
  • Slow load times: This is a big one. Todays internet users (and Google) expect fast, smooth web experiences. If your website takes too long to load, users will likely leave before even seeing your content.
  • Inadequate SEO performance: If your site isnt ranking well on search engines, it might be due to outdated SEO practices or a lack of SEO altogether. A redesign can help improve your sites visibility.
  • Rebranding: If your company has recently undergone rebranding, your website should reflect this. Consistency in brand messaging and visuals is critical for building and maintaining brand identity.

That last bullet is an important one to spend more time on and ask yourself, does our website represent who we are today? For example, does it include:

  • Images of current projects/products?
  • Images of your current team and their bios?
  • A Blog that is up-to-date?
  • Current press releases?

Whether you are a DIYer, you plan to hire a firm, or take a hybrid approach (Greg West Photography took this approach) updating your website can feel daunting. I recommend leaning on experts through this process. This author is a firm believer…why DIY if youre not an expert in that field? Not to mention that if you take on this project it will distract you from your core business. Professional photographer, copyrighter, and web designer. All three of these professionals can collaborate with you at the helm.  

It's time to rank higher, bring on new clients, and take pride in your website. Click to learn more about how Greg West Photography can assist you with one component of your website refresh. 


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